La zonificación ambiental para las energías renovables en espacios red natura 2000, como herramienta para las declaraciones de impacto ambiental

🇪🇸 Español

Environmental zoning for renobal energies in red natura 2000 spaces.

The Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge – of a detailed cartographic tool that zoning the territory based on the foreseeable impacts that the implementation of large renewable energy projects, wind and photovoltaic, may cause in the terrestrial environment. For each technology, two maps have been prepared that present a zoning of the territory in attention to the environmental values ​​of the different areas, in such a way that the major environmental conditions are easily identifiable.

Its function is merely indicative; it does not exempt from the environmental assessment procedure nor does its values ​​prejudge the result of an environmental impact statement. Its nature is that of «recommendation», although it should serve both those responsible for planning, administrations, evaluators and project promoters in making their strategic decisions, especially considering that they will be able to know and identify from early stages, those areas with environmental values ​​or protection figures that may affect the location of these projects.

A tool based on the principles of caution, prevention and action according to the best possible scientific knowledge; which must be complemented by the regulations established in those planning and management instruments approved by the Autonomous Communities within the scope of their powers.

The territory has been classified into five classes of environmental sensitivity (maximum, very high, high, moderate and low) for each type of project analysed. Environmental elements of maximum relevance (exclusion indicators). Importance (weighting indicators).

Among the selected indicators, as a representation of biodiversity and geodiversity, there are, among others, the Natura 2000 Network, the RAMSAR wetlands and the terrestrial part of the Specially Protected Areas of Importance for the Mediterranean. In relation to flora and fauna, there are plans for the conservation and recovery of threatened species; protection zones of Royal Decree 1432/2008; Important Areas for Bird Conservation; and habitats of community interest.

Focusing on the implementation of renewable facilities in Red Natura spaces, the SPAs have been considered as areas of maximum environmental sensitivity for both technologies, in order to maintain the conservation of the bird species included in Annex IV of Law 42/2007 of Natural Heritage and Biodiversity, and for migratory birds there is a regular presence in Spain.

In relation to the LIC and ZEC, the heterogeneity of conservation objectives that these spaces host entails a diversity of equivalent impacts when it comes to the installation of renewables. Hence, in this model of environmental sensitivity, some of these spaces have been considered of maximum environmental sensitivity.

Regarding the wind energy criterion, once the regional regulations regarding the protection of biodiversity and their energy planning have been reviewed, if in any of them there is a prohibition for the implementation of wind farms in these spaces, its translation in the model, is consider them as a zone of maximum environmental sensitivity. In the event that there are no general specifications for these areas, the instruments or management plans, management, etc. are reviewed. Each space designated ZEC.

Considering the special vulnerability of bats to wind turbines, a review has been carried out of all the ZEC / SCIs in which the bats taxonomic group is considered as a conservation objective. These spaces are considered in the model as a zone of maximum environmental sensitivity.

Regarding the criterion of photovoltaic energy, LIC and ZEC as exclusion zones, not suitable, not allowed, etc.

High casuistry of the different management plans of the ZECs of each territory.

Harmonizing energy interests with the values ​​of protection of the environment, flora and fauna is what has been tried to do. The promoters of these facilities cannot select the space in which they can be built at their discretion, but there is no automatic denial of authorization because it affects a Natura 2000 Network space.